As The Donald Turns; A Stitch In Time

As The Donald Turns

Time is always at a premium, whether you are a parent, a student, someone with projects to do at work, a writer with deadlines to meet or president of the United States. President Trump has taken on many time saving issues in recent days. We at As The Donald Turns follow his lead with our […]

As The Donald Turns; Unhinged

The staff at As The Donald Turns had hoped to take more of a Summer break but President Unhinged beckoned us back. Spending an entire day in the White House doing nothing but tweeting was like POTUS sending a bat signal into the sky for us. So here we are, with this new episode of […]

As The Donald Turns; Sorry, Not Sorry

The staff at As The Donald Turns knows one of the hardest things in daily life can be to say you are sorry. Hey, Elton John even wrote a song about it, (“Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word”).  It’s even harder to say sorry and mean it. We have seen that a lot this […]

As The Donald Turns; Who’s Calling?

As The Donald Turns

Communication, the lack of it, and lack of coherence in it, seems to be a big problem for the Trump administration. After a brief respite, As The Donald Turns is back with, “Who’s Calling?” As The Donald Turns; Who’s Calling? Donald has spent a couple of days entertaining Emmanuel Macron, the president of France. It’s […]

As The Donald Turns; Huff and Puff

As The Donald Turns

First, they are quiet. Then, they hide. After hiding, they speak but say little. We of course are talking about the spokespeople that work on behalf of Donald. In some cases, the less they speak the better, (looking at you, Steve Mnuchin). Others believe they are smarter than they are, (we have to yet to […]

As The Donald Turns; On The Edge

As The Donald Turns

Things are changing so quickly and so dramatically that it is clear to the staff of As The Donald Turns that we are “On The Edge.” We are on the edge of a legitimate constitutional showdown. We are on the edge of going so far down a conspiratorial rabbit hole that there is no hopping […]

As The Donald Turns; We Waited

As The Donald Turns

“We waited.” That is the message from the staff at As The Donald Turns. We waited for sanity; for reason; for people to own up to what is before them. Mostly we waited for awards from Donald’s “Fake News” awards extravaganza, (speeches were ready….tuxedos were good to go), but we have run out of waiting. […]

As The Donald Turns; No

The staff at As The Donald Turns has noticed a theme throughout Donald Land as of late. That theme would be “No.” As in, no, don’t do that. No, no one is actually saying that. No, you are completely wrong…again. The theme is this episode, “No.” As The Donald Turns; No Donald has himself in […]

As The Donald Turns; Child Please

There are people dying in Puerto Rico as the American territory has no electricity, food or drinking water. Recovery efforts in Houston and Florida are still ongoing. There are five days left in a fight over the future of healthcare in this country. Tensions with North Korea get worse by the day. It turns out […]

As The Donald Turns; They Said It

Out of respect for the recent tragedy that swept through the Caribbean and Florida, As The Donald Turns, has taken more of a low key approach. But while some news outlets are still 24/7 hurricane coverage there is a lot of “stuff” going on in Donald Land. People are saying things….bad things…incorrect things….out and out […]