As The Donald Turns; Unhinged

The staff at As The Donald Turns had hoped to take more of a Summer break but President Unhinged beckoned us back. Spending an entire day in the White House doing nothing but tweeting was like POTUS sending a bat signal into the sky for us. So here we are, with this new episode of […]
As The Donald Turns; Unemployment Figures

President Donald Trump keeps touting great employment numbers, all while he sends more of his own staff to the unemployment line. The chaos reigns supreme in Donald-land and As The Donald Turns brings you “Unemployment Figures.” As The Donald Turns; Unemployment Figures Of course, Tuesday Secretary of State Rex Tillerson was told to “please see […]
As The Donald Turns; The Tent Is Collapsing

Thirteen months into this administration, and there is no sense of what a normal period would be. We have followed crazy tweet storms and rambling speeches. The media has said don’t get distracted because you will miss the policies. The staff here has insisted that the chaos is the policy and it is going to […]
As The Donald Turns; Child Please

There are people dying in Puerto Rico as the American territory has no electricity, food or drinking water. Recovery efforts in Houston and Florida are still ongoing. There are five days left in a fight over the future of healthcare in this country. Tensions with North Korea get worse by the day. It turns out […]
As The Donald Turns; Fire, Fury and Truth
As The Donald Turns takes some time off to go to a political convention and we come back to Donald being ready to unleash the dogs of war, lie about the first 200 days of his administration, leak some classified information via Twitter and continue to re-litigate last year’s election. This edition is, ”Fire, Fury, […]
As The Donald Turns; Busy, Busy, Busy

This has been anything but a normal first six months of a presidency, but clearly things are moving at a rapid pace, and thus we bring you the latest installment of As The Donald Turns, “Busy, Busy, Busy.” • Donald has had a busy week distorting facts and telling tall tales. He started Monday with […]
As The Donald Turns; “WTH?”
There is so much bizarre randomness coming out of Donald’s mouth and the administration as whole, that we have decided to label this episode of As The Donald Turns “WTH?” That of course is What the Heck. This is, after all, a clean operation. • The talking heads for the White House, particularly Kellyanne Conway […]
As The Donald Turns; Hearing Problems

Two days of hearings and more to cover than anyone can do without a 24 hour “news” team, but we here at As The Donald Turns will do our best to sift through the critical moments as we bring you, “Hearing Problems.” • We cut straight to the chase with Jim Comey. Not since the […]
As The Donald Turns; “Numbers Game”

Prison, lost fleets, TV shows, “new jobs,” Easter eggs. Life in Donald land is calculating, so this edition of As The Donald Turns is a “Numbers Game.” Donald’s one time campaign aid Carter Page is looking at some numbers. Yes, he has been characterized as a witless doofus…mostly because he is. But don’t be fooled by […]