As The Donald Turns; What Are Words For?

As the staff at As The Donald Turns assembles the story lines for columns, we carefully review where we want to go with our concepts, because, frankly, words matter. Well, and some of us spent too much time over the weekend listening to ‘80’s music and heard the Missing Persons song that is the name […]
As The Donald Turns; Huff and Puff

First, they are quiet. Then, they hide. After hiding, they speak but say little. We of course are talking about the spokespeople that work on behalf of Donald. In some cases, the less they speak the better, (looking at you, Steve Mnuchin). Others believe they are smarter than they are, (we have to yet to […]
As The Donald Turns; The Tent Is Collapsing

Thirteen months into this administration, and there is no sense of what a normal period would be. We have followed crazy tweet storms and rambling speeches. The media has said don’t get distracted because you will miss the policies. The staff here has insisted that the chaos is the policy and it is going to […]
As The Donald Turns; Pick A Side

The staff at As The Donald Turns needed a few days to gather themselves after the horrific events in Florida last week. What happened during the self-imposed sabbatical was a newfound clarity. We have friends who claim to be in the center of American politics. The center is where things get accomplished they say. It […]
As The Donald Turns; Unhinged

As The Donald Turns and we are unhinged, much like the president himself. There is so much insanity to try to get to, that we are losing our collective minds doing it, (much like some others apparently). Here is “Unhinged.” As The Donald Turns; Unhinged Steve Bannon continues to be front and center in Donald […]
As The Donald Turns; Child Please

There are people dying in Puerto Rico as the American territory has no electricity, food or drinking water. Recovery efforts in Houston and Florida are still ongoing. There are five days left in a fight over the future of healthcare in this country. Tensions with North Korea get worse by the day. It turns out […]
As The Donald Turns; Outside Counsel
Outside counsel. It is the phrase that pays in the Trump administration right now. Everyone is lawyering up as they say in the criminal justice system. At this rate, even some of the lawyers have lawyers. It’s the way things are going with Donald these days. Thus, our episode of As The Donald Turns “Outside […]
As The Donald Turns; It’s True
What to make of the different answers that come from the administration with regards to the Putin meeting in Germany? What to make of the New York Times story that Donald Jr. met with a Russian attorney last year to get dirt on Hillary? Was the entire international community really talking about John Podesta and […]
As The Donald Turns; Hearing Problems

Two days of hearings and more to cover than anyone can do without a 24 hour “news” team, but we here at As The Donald Turns will do our best to sift through the critical moments as we bring you, “Hearing Problems.” • We cut straight to the chase with Jim Comey. Not since the […]
As The Donald Turns; “Quick Hits”

There is so much that happened while the staff at As The Donald Turns took a few days off for graduation ceremonies and a holiday weekend that we are going to get caught up in rapid fire form; “Quick Hits.” As The Donald Turns • Donald is back in pure Donald form. Since returning from […]