A New Day for America Shines On

Donald Trump political unicorn
WILKES-BARRE, PA - OCTOBER 10: Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump holds a campaign rally on October 10, 2016 in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. Trump continues his campaign following a town hall style debate against the Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton at Washington University in St. Louis last night. (Photo by Jessica Kourkounis/Getty Images)

Tuesday night the nation of America waited desperately and impatiently as all eyes steered at screens and monitors. A little after 3 am in the morning, the final results came in, and Donald Trump received 276 electoral college votes, more than the magic number to become president. Many critical battleground states were for Donald Trump in comparison to Hillary Clinton with only 218 total. A dark election night for the Democratic Party.

The Democrat supporters were defeated, motionless, and unresponsive. The Republican’s supporters were overjoyed, excited, and filled with hopes and dreams again. “Make America Great Again.” Resonated in the minds of millions of Americans who cast their votes in hoping for Donald Trump to be the next President of the United States of America. It was a surprising and shocking turn of events that millions of viewers and voters cast their ballots for a Republican at the White House. It is clear that the deadlocks at Washington and the gridlocked sessions on urgent issues angered many Americans who saw no hopes for moving forward with Hillary Clinton.

Many voters believed that if they voted for Hillary, then the nation will continue its corruptible ways at Washington to be of self-interests and self-serving lobbyists with special interest groups at the top. Or they could choose revolutionary changes and make the country great again by starting with America as being back to number one. The loss of leadership at the White House cast a dark shadow onto the world stage, and many Americans witnessed the many foreign policy shortcomings during the presidency of Barack Obama’s apologetic remarks to world leaders. Obama tried to keep the Democratic Party unified despite its severe lack of leadership skills and being a novice in foreign policy experiences; most Americans believed that the nation was heading toward a political precipice and division within both parties.

There were accusations that WikiLeaks favored Donald Trump in this election. Fortune reports, “In his defense, Assange cited a perceived civic duty as motivation for his actions. “We publish material given to us if it is of political, diplomatic, historical or ethical importance and which has not been published elsewhere,” he said, noting that the aforementioned leaks “fit our editorial criteria.” (8 November 2016). It is without questions that the exposure from WikiLeaks publications on the vast network of release emails, scandals, and bad rhetoric reports from Hillary Clinton’s personal server has damaged her reputation as untrustworthy and unreliable for being the next Commander-in-Chief. Despite her political career and her tenure at the State Department for four years, the recent and appalling revelations on the Clinton Foundation of money laundering, and Podesta’s shocking email revelations tilted the balance in favor of Donald Trump.

CNN writes,”Republican candidate Donald Trump’s ascension to the White House has sent shock waves around the world. But it appears to have pleased one leader in particular — Russian President Vladimir Putin.” News Media have been stunned at the newly elected president would be Donald Trump and not Hillary Clinton. Vladimir Putin is looking to mend the political and diplomatic convergences between Washington and Moscow. Many Americans thought that democracy was in shamble and the actual values and symbolism of the nation was at stake. Democracy and its belief in the rule of law have been disfigured by the illicit inner-working at Washington to empower the government to encroach more on civil liberties and privacy rights.

The fallout of Brexit has altered the vision of a new America ideal and liberalism has not proven to be a working model of economic success. World leaders are now speaking and expressing both their optimism and pessimism. Time reports, “Brexit was the first brick that was knocked out of the establishment wall. A lot more were knocked out last night,” Nigel Farage, the interim leader of the U.K. Independence Party, told TIME on Wednesday. “This is Brexit times three. It is a bigger country, it is more prominent position, it is a bigger event.” In Britain, it is with both joy and sadness that half of the country wanted Hillary Clinton to win and the other half for Donald Trump to win over the presidential election. Some foreign countries are doubting Donald Trump in-experienced background in world affairs, and some others are welcoming the newly elected president with enthusiasm and positivism.

In Europe, from Time, “Now, populist parties in Europe—which include Italy’s Five Star Movement, and Marine Le Pen’s National Front in France—stand ready to continue the fight, says Farage. “I don’t think it is finished yet; I think this phenomenon is set to sweep other parts of Europe over the course of a couple of years.” Marine Le Pen who is working for the far-right nationalistic party congratulated Donald Trump on his victorious win last night. Francois Hollande met Trump with deceptive words as Hollande will not be re-elected for a second term in May 2017.

The world now awaits for Donald Trump to make his official entrance onto the world stage in mending political oppositions and unifying their differences. It would be long and hard work for the next President of America, Donald Trump to prove that he can deliver and strive for world peace in the divergent political fissures of globalism. Russia will surely work in close collaboration with Trump to try to cast a shining light onto the world arena for years to come.


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