America Would Be Foolish to Go to War With Russia Over Ukraine

Vladimir Putin

In Eastern Europe, tensions continue to build in advance of a likely Russian invasion of Ukraine. For the past few months, Russian President Vladimir Putin has danced around invading the country which was once part of the Soviet Union. The United States, for their part, has continued to threaten Russia with “severe consequences” should they […]

As The Donald Turns; Truths, Lies and Nixon

It has been a busy week in Donald land. Well, let’s face it, it has actually been very much like the previous 46 weeks of his administration. Chaos, lies, staff thrown to the wolves, media slammed in politically calculating moves. It harkens back to the days of decades ago. We will have a special point […]

As The Donald Turns; It’s True

What to make of the different answers that come from the administration with regards to the Putin meeting in Germany? What to make of the New York Times story that Donald Jr. met with a Russian attorney last year to get dirt on Hillary? Was the entire international community really talking about John Podesta and […]

As The Donald Turns; Twitter Storm

Social media has been at the forefront of political discussions this week so the staff at As The Donald Turns presents “Twitter Storm.” • There has been so much Donald could have been talking about this week, like the healthcare bill skating through the Senate with no public hearings, any new workforce week plans he […]

As The Donald Turns; “Out”

As The Donald Turns

There are a lot of things that are out in Washington DC right now. Some folks are out of a job, another is out of the bushes. There are some that are out of their minds because there is so much work in trying to make sense of the current circus. And there is a […]

Russia Denies Playing Favorites in U.S. Presidential Election

Since the beginning of the presidential election, there have been numerous allegations of the involvement of Russia. Vladimir Putin has been accused of participating both directly and indirectly and influencing the presidential election. The mainstream media has pointed the finger at Putin for being responsible for leading and pivoting more for Donald Trump than Hillary […]

Mistrust between Hillary Clinton and Vladimir Putin

The conflict in Syria has intensified the diplomatic tensions between Washington and Moscow. Over the last several days, unsuccessful bilateral talks between the United States and Russia have created more brutal violence and unstoppable bombardments in the areas surrounding Aleppo in Syria. The truce for the ceasefire has been broken and as a result, humanitarian convoys […]

The Bilateral Relations between China and Russia

Since George W. Bush and Barack Obama have taken office at the White House, over the years, the exceptionalist behavior of the United States towards the international systems in International Relations and to foreign world leaders have changed to a greater degree than previously thought. the theory of American exceptionalism is based on the idea […]