Brexit’s Referendum Looms Over Europe After Assassination


The assassination of the female British lawmaker, Jo. Cox, and mother of two has sent shock waves across the United Kingdom. As a result, the Brexit’s referendum has been placed on hold for the weekend. Some says that the referendum will begin again next Monday as usual despite the last couple of days of torment. The devastating effect of the murder of the 41-years-old lawmaker has consciously impregnated in the minds of voters and citizens alike a “Brexit’s phobia” of voting next week at the polls. There have been strong feelings of resentments toward the idea of Britain exiting Europe, but also comforting thoughts and shared conversations on Britain’s remaining in Europe in order to preserve its economic ties both politically and socially.

A lot is at stakes in terms of free trade agreements, economic incentive policies, social-economic development, Europe’s partnership with traders, investors, and speculators on the world market economy. European institutions and governing bodies are not ready to depart from Britain as economic, social, and political reforms have been specifically designed in integrating the United Kingdom as its main exporters and importers of goods since the European alliances and European communities were formed in the 90s.

According to the author, Denis MacShane (2015), who was an ex-Labour MP serving in Tony Blair’s government as Minister for Europe published a book entitled,

    Brexit: How Britain Will Leave Europe

, the author has written about the possible accidental reaction-mechanism that can precipitate Britain to leave Europe because of the misunderstanding and the dire consequences of the actual situation. MacShane has pointed out:

“no-one in their right minds wants, hopes or believes Brexit will happen. But it might happen by accident more than design. Denis MacShane knows more about what makes Europe tick than most and, in this important book, he explains why we should all understand how grave the situation would become.”(p. 2). Lord (Peter) Mandelson

In his book, it is clear that MacShane warns about the fervent behavior of many British citizens to leave the EU as it has become a burden for the country itself. Some voters ascertain that the referendum will be a new beginning for Britain’s complete independence from Europe, but also a new leap forward and a jump into the unknowns. In terms of unknown factors surrounding the Brexit, there are also many uncertainties and paradigms encircling the future of the United Kingdom. As once the referendum is in place and the voters have decided by the majority to leave the EU, there will be no coming back afterwards. The author has noted, “His book argues that if we get to a referendum that Britain will vote to leave the EU.” Mathew Taylor, Chief Executive, Royal Society of Arts.

In the light of the recent event surrounding the murder of Jo. Cox, since then, the assailant has been apprehended and sentenced to trial. According to Reuters World News, written by Michael Holden and Guy Faulconbridge on June 18, 2016, the arrested suspect has proclaimed that he wanted Britain to be free and its freedom to come to life for the sake of Britain’s future. In this Reuters article, both writers have written about the motive behind the assassination of the British female lawmaker, and they have pointed out, “The man charged with murdering British lawmaker Jo. Cox his name as “death to traitor, freedom for Britain” when he appeared in court on Saturday accused of a killing that could be a defining moment in a vote on European Union membership.” (Reuters, 18 June 2016). Apparently, Jo. Cox was on her way to a very important Labour Party meeting in order to put pressure on convincing the British population to remain in the EU as it was essential for Britain’s future and its economic involvement with European’s Parliament.

Repeatedly, the convicted murderer has reiterated the same saying and phrase and sought he was lacking words to express his own personal motive behind his assassination attempt. The arrested man has convincingly been trying to send a clear and chilling message that Britain needed to exit the EU and becomes free once and for all. Following this recent event, the man charged has created a scene of terror in the wake of his act of killing an important female law figure in recent days. London is under shock still, and many questions remained unanswered. Both writers, Holden and Faulconbridge, have written, “His brief comment in court furthered suggestions that the attacks was politically-motivated as it echoed the message put forward by those supporting a so-called Brexit that leaving the EU would be a vote for freedom.” (Reuters, 18 June 2016). The man in charged has yet to revealed his real identity and whether or not he has political ties to others organizations or even terrorism as well. In the world of global terrorism and terror attacks, it is important to know if the man charged was not behind a bigger plot to overthrow the officials who want to remain in the EU.

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MacShane, Denis (2015). Brexit : How Britain will Leave Europe. (p. 2). Retrieved from

Michael, Holden; Guy, Faulconbride (2016). Reuters World News. 18 June 2016. Additional Reporting by Paul Sandle; Editing by Richard Balmforth.


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