The Age Divide in American Politics

American political divisiveness and partisanship often originate with one fact, the age divide. Americans making up older generations including the Greatest Generation and Baby Boomers are much more likely to be Conservative than their younger counterparts. Conversely, members of younger generations including Generation X, Millenials, and Generation Z are more likely to be ideologically Liberal. […]

The Relationship Between The Media and the Tiger Woods DUI

The most popular story in sports right now, other than watered down Lebron-Jordan comparisons, is clearly Tiger Woods’ DUI arrest. Sizable numbers of people have expressed frustration at the media for not waiting for all the facts to come out about this story before the media jumped to conclusions about this story just to kick […]

Reporting of the Serena Williams Pregnancy Story Shows Irresponsible Media

Shortly after 10:30 AM Eastern, Serena Williams released her now-famous Snapchat picture, showing what appeared to be a baby bump and captioned “20 weeks.” The Snapchat was deleted shortly thereafter, but not before being seen, shared, and screencapped by millions of people. This led, of course, to the instant speculation that Williams is 20 weeks […]