As The Donald Turns; The Tent Is Collapsing

As The Donald Turns

Thirteen months into this administration, and there is no sense of what a normal period would be. We have followed crazy tweet storms and rambling speeches. The media has said don’t get distracted because you will miss the policies. The staff here has insisted that the chaos is the policy and it is going to […]

As The Donald Turns; “Out”

As The Donald Turns

There are a lot of things that are out in Washington DC right now. Some folks are out of a job, another is out of the bushes. There are some that are out of their minds because there is so much work in trying to make sense of the current circus. And there is a […]

As The Donald Turns; Who They Are

As The Donald Turns

The staff had a theme for this episode of As The Donald Turns, but could not decide to whom we should dedicate it. There is the late Arizona Cardinals coach Dennis Green with his media tirade about the Chicago Bears, “They are who we thought they were!” Or there is my wife’s favorite, poet laureate […]

As The Donald Turns; “Numbers Game”

As The Donald Turns

Prison, lost fleets, TV shows, “new jobs,” Easter eggs. Life in Donald land is calculating, so this edition of As The Donald Turns is a “Numbers Game.” Donald’s one time campaign aid Carter Page is looking at some numbers. Yes, he has been characterized as a witless doofus…mostly because he is. But don’t be fooled by […]

As The Donald Turns; “Pinball Wizard”

As The Donald Turns will bring people of a certain age demographic back to time spent in their youth playing cool pinball machines. The ball would bounce around off various objects and change directions with no sense of purpose. You had your flippers at your disposal, but ultimately the ball just slammed itself into different […]