Twitter Outcry at Yet “Another” Terrorist Attack in France

PARIS, FRANCE - JULY 15: French Prime Minister Manuel Valls makes a statement to the press after a Security and Defense Council, chaired by French President Francois Hollande at the Elysee Palace on July 15, 2016 in Paris, France. The Security Council was held after yesterday's attack by Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel, a Tunisian-born Frenchman, after he drove a lorry through crowds gathered to watch a firework display during Bastille Day celebrations on the Promenade des Anglais in leaving 84 dead and many more injured in Nice. (Photo by Nicolas Kovarik/IP3/Getty Images)

It didn’t take long for Twitter to respond after 31-year-old Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel drove a truck through a crowd celebrating Bastille Day in Nice, France, yesterday. With at least 84 killed, it marks another in a series of deadly attacks on Western Europe—and the severity seems to be escalating.

French Prime Minister Manuel Valls on the attack:

“Terrorism is a threat that weighs heavily upon France and will continue to weigh for a long time. We are facing a war that terrorism has brought to us. The goal of terrorists is to instill fear and panic. And France is a great country, and a great democracy that will not allow itself to be destabilized.”

Twitter Outcry at Yet “Another” Terrorist Attack in France

An outpouring on Twitter quickly ensued with world leaders, such as Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, offering their own sentiments:

Some politicians, most notably US presidential hopeful Donald Trump, took the opportunity to point out the growing unrest:

Celebrities were also quick to offer their opinions, some calling for retaliation of sorts. Piers Morgan, political pundit and celebrity personality had this to say:

Muslims also condemned the attack as well, showing that these attacks are not representative of all the faith’s followers, but rather a small group of misguided radicals:

Many are in a state of confusion, feeling helpless.

No matter who you are, the horrific images captured by amateur photographers will tear at the heart. Broken bodies strewn along the promenade are a deadly reminder the hate the exists. 


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